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About MN OL

We're working to #stoptracktragedies

Sign the #StopTrackTragedies Pledge and make your commitment to promoting safer decisions around tracks and trains official!

Adults Pledge
Kids Pledge

What is Minnesota Operation Lifesaver?

We are a part of the national organization Operation Lifesaver, Inc., a private, nonprofit educational organization dedicated to ending collisions, deaths and injuries at highway-rail crossings and on railroad property. We are an independant 501c3 educational Minnesota-based nonprofit offering free safety presentations and events by authorized volunteers for:

  • School groups
  • Driver education classes
  • Community audiences
  • Professional drivers
  • Law enforcement officers
  • Emergency responders
  • And More.

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Why is Operation Lifesaver Needed?

Become an Operation Lifesaver Authorized Volunteer

We are always looking for high-energy volunteers to help us spread our important message. Our volunteers are everywhere—schools, training programs, law enforcement events and safety fairs—with the common purpose of keeping our citizens safe. You can begin the process today by clicking here.

Contact Us

Minnesota Operation Lifesaver

P.O. BOX 22254
Minneapolis , MN    55422

To view Minnesota specific laws visit the FRA's Searchable State Laws Website